Sunday, February 13, 2011

I want spring

 Today I woke up and saw snow again. The streets and trees are covered with snow and the sky is grey.

(my street)

(across my street)

(behind the supermarket)

(old factory)
I want spring because:
  • I brought my warm winter coat to the dry cleaners yesterday.
  • I want to wear my new heels.
  • I don't want cars to splash water in my face when I want to cross the street.
  • I want sun and no grey sky anymore.
  • I want to cycle to work at least 2 times a week.
  • I want to see flowers in the backyard.
  • I want to see trees with green leaves.
  • I want to hear birds singing.
  • I want to have lunch outside the café.
Untill the spring comes to germany I stay at home, watch the snow falling and enjoy cake from my fave pastry shop.

(Minon cake)
I will sit on my couch and watch Mie playing and work on some scarfs to keep my neck warm untill the sun comes out again.

(handmade scarf from a piece of fabric and crochet yarn which I got from Jo while I was in Singapore)

(my baby <3)

    1 comment:

    1. Liebe Isa!
      Vielleicht sollte ich mir auch mal einen sommerlichen Schal umhäkeln. Mir reicht es auch mit der Kälte - da hilft nur Kuchen! (Oder Pralinen von Crohn und Lanz!)
